Thursday, February 16, 2012

Glass Caverns

I had a dream last night that I was part of the sea
I was floating atop my board
the water was calm, serene,
seagulls performed aerial acrobatics against the pastel wall.
I was waiting for movement, for something to stir
Then I see them coming toward me.
I’m startled, but not scared.
A couple.
They frolic and play like tireless children
They swim past me, but one turns around
and winks at me
All of a sudden I see the horizon pick up
the green lines are building right before me
I turn into position and repeat my mantra
paddling HARD, my shoulders and arms are on fire
it's forming behind me and I turn my nose to the floor
I drop in and feel my stomach go to my throat
I feel the cool water splash around me
I’m inside.
I smile.

I had a dream I got barreled. I couldn't believe it and it felt so real. I think my mind was urging my body to get into the water. I've been stressed lately with everyday life and my outlet has been traveling around Saudia Arabia.  The swell should pick up on Sunday, maybe I'll take a hack at a solo session. Thank you subconscious!

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