Friday, July 29, 2011

This Sexy Little Thing


Thank you to the individual who uploaded this, extended it and flipped the screen to the other side.

When it comes to working out having upper body strength seems to be fairly difficult for most women.  We want to use weights, but we don’t want to bulk up.  I remember my college days when I knew nothing about fitness I was working out with my boyfriend at the time and doing his Back/Bi and Chest/Tri routines with smaller weights, of course.  It wasn’t advantageous for me as his goal was to get and look bigger.  As it turned out to it started doing the same for me.  I began to look like a female body builder and that’s not a good look for most petite women.  
After that experience I just gave up the idea of strength training and weights all together. I just dedicated my time to swimming, surfing, running and any outdoor activity that didn’t fall under the confinements of a gym.  Cardio was helping, but I wasn’t achieving the lean lines and toned muscles. My legs looked great, but my arms were not up to par.  I didn’t want the teacher jiggle or the “cat’s butt” (the little area of armpit fat between your arm and your chest that when smushed looks like a cat’s butt) a named created by my girlfriend and I. 
After scouring women’s fitness magazines and referring to various videos, I came across Tracy Anderson’s method.  She was someone that was all the rage in Hollywood a few years ago and although she’s tapered off into the quieter life I think her popularity still stands amongst the female fitness community.  Her method is simple.  It is a concentration on small muscles groups that combine light weights, like 1 to 3 pounds, nothing over and more repetitions.  It sounds simple and it is.  Don’t think simple means easy.  You definitely feel the burn.
Her goal was to create a workout that gave women long, lean muscles to achieve a sexy and feminine look. I want to look and feel strong, but I don’t want to look like Hulk Hogan.  She sells her DVDs on the internet, but I turned to and used this workout this morning after my 6AM run.  It’s great! Someone edited the snippet and extended it to a 10 minute routine that has 40 reps of each workout.  Live Healthy and enjoy!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Thank You Hollywood

"Adjustment Bureau" Now out on DVD

When it comes to TV and movies I'm usually the last one to know what's going on. I'd much rather be outdoors splashing around in the water or under a tree with a good book, but from time to time I do love a good, no wait, great movie.  Of course I'm aloof to "what's new" or "hot" in entertainment so I turn
to my best friend, Ashley who is a movie, film, sitcom guru, so to speak, she may love the movies as much as she loves the popcorn, but never the less she is my go to.  She recommended this movie as an addition to my Sunday hangover cure.  Obviously I had to preface that my boyfriend would be watching and she said he’d like it just as much as I would.  Thus, we get the movie and watch it.  All I have to say is thank you George Nolfi for directing such a good movie.  My primary appreciation stemmed from was that unbeknownst to him my boyfriend just watched a modern love story, a romantic movie if you will. Of course it wasn’t The Notebook, which he refuses to watch even if it would change my "time of the month" mood, but regardless The Adjustment Bureau had a hero and a heroine, romantic undertones and a happy ending.  Nolfi casts Matt Damon (um, hello uber bro) and artfully displays the labyrinth of doors in such a Sci-Fi manner he was completely detached from the happily ever after. I have to admit I was too, until it hit me after the suspense had subsided.  Alas, great movie, no tissues needed but it left me smiling in that "awwww" sort of way.  Add it to your NetFlix queue and watch it.

Monday, July 25, 2011

It's All About ME

At times I wonder what I gave up when I broke up with myself. I was so used to being self involved and now it was time to allow someone else in and learn to compromise.  It seems I've overlooked that very important word "compromise" which is imperative to the success of the relationship between two people.  Sometimes I wish I could go back to being in a relationship with myself, where I could choose pulp free orange juice or my favorite breakfast cereal, watch hours of E! Television or sit in silence listening to the music in my head. I forgot what it's like to have things exactly the way I like it, exactly where I want it and exactly the way that suits me. It takes a lot to transition into selfless especially when you’ve gotten used to being selfish.  You give up half of yourself or at least you’re expected to when you add someone to the mix.  In my case of cohabitation, it’s been a good challenge, but a challenge none the less. We have different definitions of “clean” and “quiet”.  I’m not saying either way is the right way, but it’s been interesting to try and overcome these differences.
Now that I’m in a situation where I have to share more often than not, I find myself wishing I could go back to being 100% selfish.  Although I’ve written about selfishness in reference to a relationship it was in the matter of infidelity and this refers to doing things for you.  I’ve always said what matters the most in any relationship is the one you have with yourself. You have to make yourself happy and it’s ok to be selfish from time to time, especially when it comes to dealing with the “compromises” of a relationship.  You don’t have to do everything together and it’s actually better when you take a step back from your duo.  I’ve decided to take my step into a mall and splurging without feelings of guilt or going for a run in the early morning to take a break from “us”. It’s not that I’m unhappy. I just fear I’ll lose my sanity or my sense of self. Too often I feel that couples as a unit take on the role of we more than me. Don’t forget about the, me. It’s very important.  You may feel bad taking pleasure from something that doesn’t involve anyone else but you, but that’s ok.  Just remember when it comes time to compromise you should be understanding, but still save a little time to be selfish or else your lose sight of yourself trying to keep it together for someone else.  

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Brave New Life

I'll soon be opening the pages of “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley a recommendation made by my boyfriend and it got me thinking about my brave new life. Although I assume the story is tad bit different the title was completely relevant to my first thought.  I've found my place in the world. I've found my happiness. California is a great color on me and one that I didn't realize would be until I took a leap of faith and courage.

When I tried contemplating what would become of "me" 3 years out of college, working for the man, dating the wrong guys, frequenting the same bars and still living in my hometown I would've only dreamed of a fantastical place.  Those dreams sparked ideas of Peru, Korea, Australia, New York and California. Anywhere but where I was. It was so many redundant years of talk without a goal or a plan. Then in 2009 I decided to make it happen, but I didn’t take myself seriously. I carelessly spent my savings and days with an undetermined imagination and it slipped through my fingertips like sand. Each crystalline orb represented a distant possibility.

I realized I was so dissatisfied because I truly didn’t know what I wanted and I didn’t believe I deserved it.  I was one of those people who seemed to prefer complaining and blaming the universe rather than making it happen.  There is a quote by Paul Everest, Unit founder that I strongly believe, “the human brain is a reality generator, you can do anything.” 

When things finally fell into perspective I made up my mind.  With determination in my heart and as I quickly learned a whole lot of courage I made things happen.  I began writing every day.  I was actively blogging, reading, submitting articles and working for free just so long as I got my name out there.  I became a literary slut in a sense, just to spread my work across many mediums. 
After a healthy savings accrued it was just a matter of time until I set forth on my trek across America where I landed in San Diego on May 19, 2011. 
In the past few months I’ve received a lot of texts, calls and emails of congratulations.  99% of them have described my actions as “brave” or some derivative of the word.  I always respond with the obligatory thank you, but never really thought my plan was brave, but alas I am.  I did what so many say they’ll do but don’t.  What their mouths advertise but feet won’t make happen.  What I said I would do but didn’t for many years. 

I took a chance on life. I moved with a couple of thousands of dollars and a dream and in three months turned it into my surreality. It's my brave new life and it suits me. It's the idea that I could make something bigger than me happen and come to life.

I stayed home longer than anticipated. I fell on my ass more times than not, but with a little courage and some fire under my butt I got out. I journeyed beyond my comforts and it's been the best experience thus far.
As a local San Diegan I am the contributing writer for and  I write and manage two personal blogs, and I am the Food Columnist for the San Diego City News. I am also responsible for the brand blogs on and as of recently am working as a Web Content Writer and Project Coordinator at Seo,Inc. I’ve landed my dream job, dream city and dream life and all it took was a brave heart!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Tribal Fever

I’ve caught Tribal Fever. I know it’s all the rage, but apparently I may be taking it overboard. What can I say? I’m just obsessed with the Native American inspired prints and colors of Summer 2011.
Recently my boyfriend told me I’m officially Pocahontas.  Of course I took that as a compliment.  I’m fully embracing the idea of being a native, even if it is of fashion.  I’m rocking the braided hair, ethnic prints and loose flowing fabrics. 
Score this look at without breaking the bank!

And it’s more than just the clothes.  It’s the accessories!  The feathered earrings and hair pieces are everywhere.  It’s hard to ignore such a unique and earthy trend. 

I found earrings similar to these at a local boutique they were a bit pricey so I took a hack at making them myself.  I learned that although I have a creative mind the execution didn’t quite represent itself the way I anticipated.  I was still destined to become a feathered earring owner so I took another route and visited a local farmer’s market.  Success! I found local artists who sell their crafts for reasonable prices.  Support your local artists, jewelry makers and farmers!  Buy Local. 

Check out Savvy-J, a friend of a friend’s beautiful creations!!! Contact for more information.
It’s our fashion minded homage to Mother Nature. Give me a drum and a feathered headdress and I’ll break into song and dance.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Top 5 Worst Male Fashions

As to not be biased to the California lifestyle and my obsession for the male surfers of America I want to say that I appreciate a lot of styles, fashions and looks about the opposite sex. Of course I have my preference in body type, sport affiliation and overall look, but I have a very keen sense for what’s hot and what’s not.
Trust me, I’m a girl whose primary social circle is male and not only the beach blonde surfer bums, but a wide range of jocks to preps, all of which have asked me for fashion advice because I do not conform to a solid norm in terms of fashion and clothing. If I like it, I buy it and rock it. So in my opinion here are the Top Five Worst Fashion Faux Pas in a guy’s wardrobe:

1.       The Mandal- the male sandal or slip-on that isn’t necessarily a flip flop or socially accepted spring/summer footwear.  These shoes are embarrassing.  They not only age you, they show your utter lack of effort.  You are advertising that you can’t pick out a decent pair of sandals or wiggle your toes into a thong. By purchasing the mandal you’re saying that you’re too lazy to even put a shoe on. If it doesn’t go on in one slip of the foot you’re not even considering wearing it. You’re not a Spartan or Jesus.  I don’t care if you’re European or if their manmade from the finest leather, these shoes have got to go.

2.       Cargo Shorts- Military official? Well you’ve bought yourself a little leeway, but even they wear pants and it’s more than likely mandatory.  Last time I checked a guy carried keys, wallet and cell phone which seem to require the standard back pocket, whichever cheek you prefer and one front pocket. (Don’t even think about having one of those clip able phone cases, that’s a whole different story).  So why on earth would you need so many pockets? The standard cargo short has what?  6. That’s too many. You end up making your legs look chunkier than they really are.  They are bulky and unflattering. Unless you are going to allow your girlfriend to opt out from bringing a purse and allowing her to use your plethora of pockets I suggest you steer clear.

3.       The Graphic Tee- Ok, so there is a fine line between a tee shirt with graphics and the graphic tee.  A tee shirt with graphics can range from the collegiate Fraternity social tee, words of archaic wisdom, alcoholic beverages, sports affiliations, some disgusting sex joke, or just branded by a company and those would be fine.  Those shirts are the norm in masculine wardrobes.  It’s the Graphic Tee that boasts a different entitlement, that being, you’re a douche.  All I can say is “Do less”. There’s glitter, jewels, skulls, cross bows it’s like terrible gothic fairy art. I know the Jersey Shore has glorified the acceptance of this style, but it’s unnecessary, flamboyant and obnoxious.

4.       The Elastic Banded Swim Trunk- I think my grandpa called them swim trunks that says it all right there.  These awful shorts are reserved for children, over-the-hill men or unknowing foreigners who are trying to respect the American’s view of a Speedo.  The elastic band in itself is unattractive.  It’s at least 2 inches wide and unbecoming, squeezing the midsection and allowing for unnecessary bulging.  Typically the patterns are large luau flowers in various colors resembling a bad rendition of Hawaii in the 80’s. If those two qualities aren’t enough of a deal breaker the lining puts it over the edge.  There is no reason that a mature adult male needs a mesh banana hammock to hold his goods.  Trust me they won’t fall out of off without support. 

5.       The “Wife Beater”- the connotation alone should keep you away from this article of clothing.  You are not Fifty Cent.  I understand the necessity for use as an undershirt and it is acceptable to wear underneath your clothing as an undergarment.  But as far as everyday wear, the answer is no.  You should not wear this shirt alone paired with jeans, shorts or bathing suits.  This garment is underwear. It does not qualify as a tank top.  The rule is if there are ridges save it for private the confines of your home where you’re girlfriend and dog are the only ones who see it. 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Work it out

I’ve heard it before.  Better yet I’ve seen it before. I know that it’s possible to make a dream happen.  That little minute idea can spark into a reality with just determination, imagination and motivation.  Why can’t I get my dream off the ground? I think I have all the ingredients to make it happen, but the door keeps shutting in my face.
My dream was to journey to a far away land, in my case that journey brought me to San Diego and that is still 3,000 miles away from the comforts and normalcy of home.  Still, I came here to write. Write on cereal boxes, jingles, newspapers, you name it I’d write it.  I wasn’t a snob about it and I was willing to start from the bottom.  I just didn’t realize how long I was to remain there.
As I applied to job posting after job posting I realized the negation of “entry level”.  I feel that I’m experienced. I know that I have areas for improvement, but who doesn’t. I’m young. Transformable, eager, willing, energetic and open minded. I have the capability to learn new things and I have the drive.
But as I sat in interviews for these “entry level” positions I was brought face to face with denial.  The repetitious “You are a great candidate, but we went with someone a little more experienced” seemed insulting.  Corporate America expects an individual to go to some form of higher learning, let’s say University.  While there, they are to study and learn and create a goal to make a difference in society or even just make a difference to themselves.  So these individuals study during their academia and pick a career path and set a goal and graduate and then throw themselves into the society they are to become a member of to face countless moments of rejection.
While Jim or Jill went directly into an entry level position after high school to begin her career as a receptionist, learn the ins and outs of their business, put in a few years, slowly get promoted especially when Janice decides to become a stay at home mom after maternity leave. They move into the mid level position. You graduate from college and they’ve gained their 5-7 years experience. So even though you have your bachelor’s or master’s your lack of work experience keeps you out of the job line up and in the unemployment line. 
How are we going to get hired if someone doesn’t take a chance on the “lack of experienced” newly graduated, eager to work and learn individuals colleges and universities are spitting out by the hundreds?  We may not stand a chance.  The way I see it is employers have two choices, a. hire the individual who knows what they’re doing, has years of experience and the resume to prove it or b. hire the new grad with creativity, ideas, personality and a fresh new outlook on the workforce, from there they will gain an employee who can be apprenticed into the career and provide loyalty to the company. 
I think more companies should take plan B.  Take the chance on something new.  It’s the youth of America’s opportunity to shine and prove to our elders that we have the brains, power and strength to accomplish our goals. We aren’t just dreamers we’re makers. 
Imagine. Dream. Believe. Succeed. 


Yet, another night
We strip down to our skin and crawl methodically into bed
Slipping in and out of sleep
My shoulder is cold
I take a deep breath into my pillow
And release it into the darkness
The moonlight slips a beam onto my fingertips
I wriggle them through shadows and lights
I listen to you breathe
Deep, strong, heavy
Worn out from the nonsensical argument
From the ear piercing silence
I can’t sleep
I’ve memorized the lines of the wall
I know the grooves and blemishes
It was once your back
I’m still mad
My eyes follow the checkered pattern of our sheets
It’s hypnotizing me
Soon I’ll drift