Monday, October 31, 2011

Sunday Funday

I have recurring daydreams about the 70s, where I’m laying in a field listening to and feeling the music around me.  I’m a hippie with long hair and knee high boots, swaying and laughing and surrounded by friends.  I’ve always loved that lifestyle; carefree, lazy and being with nature.  

To me it seemed ideal just appreciating humanity and the earth.


But when I think about how I spend my normal days in an office typing at a computer from 9AM to 5PM watching the sunshine slip behind the clouds before I can go home it isn’t surprising to want to live that daydream permanently.  Luckily my 48 hours in San Francisco helped keep the fire burning in my imaginative mind.  For a matter of 4 hours I was that eternal hippie I wanted to be.  

Ty and I lounging in the park.

Drum Circle in Dolores Park
The sun was shining and warm. The locals were peeling off their normal layers to let the sun kiss their pale skin. We were soaking up the complimentary vitamin D as our bare feet appreciated the soft grass.

The park was full of people, smiling faces, sleeping bodies, couples cuddling in love, and music circles.  We were posted up next to a small drum circle of three members, then a man joined them playing on empty beer bottles giving their beat a distinct clink.  Then a tambourine joined in soon the small circle became a big one and music was filling the park.

Drum Circle in the 60s

Nick and I, reunited
Every so often a “cookie man” would wander our way selling gourmet baked goodies of the adventurous nature.  There is a guy famous for his chocolate truffles in flavors like white chocolate mocha and coconut almond caramel swirl. That’s intense.

San Francisco was amazing. The people are so free spirited. I didn't think of the city having so much culture and such a young population, but it definitely gave me a different California scene one in which I wouldn't mind living in.  It was nice to escape our little beach town of San Diego and experience San Fran and thanks to Mike we did it like a local. Awwww, California is amazing. 

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